RSVP to our Year in Review Community Reception | March 27 at The Franklin Theatre →

Political Neutrality

The mission of the Heritage Foundation of Williamson County, TN is to preserve and share regional history, local historic places, and signature events that carry on our community traditions and cultural heritage through fundraising, research, advocacy, education, preservation, and community engagement.

In our work, we reach across all aisles to leadership and elected officials to advocate for results that best serve Williamson County’s people, culture, and preservation efforts.

It is important to note that the Heritage Foundation has never and will never endorse any political candidate. While our positions and opinions may be used by candidates, we do not support any one political candidate over another and remain neutral in all elections.

Further, as a non-partisan organization, we are not affiliated with any political activist groups or think tanks. Our mission remains firmly rooted in preservation here in Williamson County.

We will always seek to work constructively with all who are elected to serve by the people of Williamson County.